So i bought this Anemone flower from someone. I cant get any help from anybody, or even google lol. It just says anemone flower with no description under the misc items. Can anybody please confirm what this item does? What i was told from the seller is that it is rare, and its similar to daycare service. I then bought it, id rather not say how much, and added it to a poke. It didnt seem to do anything, so i told that to the seller and they stated that i must first complete the daycare service quest. Now im in johto, dumb me forgot to take the item off and its locked for now in pc, either way its not like i could use it until i got back to kanto to complete the quest. im 4 badges in johto, and now im just having doubts on whether the item was even worth it. If it is a daycare service item then it is. But can anybody confirm this? Its called Anemone Flower. Thanks.