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Everything posted by Returnofriven

  1. Hello everybody ! First I want to say my English is pretty bad so wish people sympathetic. My account Returnofriven sever Blue get banned for about 1 month ago then i check account status. It have reason: bot But my account never used any such software bots. I insisted it was true. In the space of one month back since my account is banned, I wrote an appeal in the Discipline Appeals but I never received a response. I have tried to present every reason to prove that there is a certain confusion here but I've ignored. I love this game so I hope this write up competent people to help me. Please check my account Returnofriven and respond to my posts. Thanks for attention !!! :thanks:
  2. Re: WTS godly politoed h.a <r><QUOTE author="Bobylone"><s> </e></QUOTE> when u online ?</r>
  3. Re: WTS godly politoed h.a <r><QUOTE author="nos66"><s> </e></QUOTE> why do you won ? xD<br/> the 2nd january goes to 23:59 if someone would one then me bec youre offer was to late ;)<br/> i offered before 2nd january starts... ;)<e> </e></QUOTE> oh sr, my time GMT +7</r>
  4. Re: WTS godly politoed h.a <r>I won. Pm me when u online <E>:Exclam:</E></r>
  5. Re: Epic Jolly Garchomp <r><QUOTE author="Mkaydan95"><s> </e></QUOTE> I won. Pm me when u online <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. Re: WTS godly politoed h.a <r>6.5m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  7. Re: WTS godly politoed h.a <r>6m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  8. Re: WTS godly politoed h.a <r>5.5m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  9. Re: Epic Jolly Garchomp <r><QUOTE author="Tuut11"><s> </e></QUOTE> thanks u vm</r>
  10. Re: Epic Jolly Garchomp <r>7m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  11. Re: WTS godly politoed h.a <r>5m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  12. Re: Epic Jolly Garchomp <r><QUOTE author="ImRig"><s> </e></QUOTE> that one was 29 atk and higher ivs, this guy created his profile 3 days ago<e> </e></QUOTE> if im a troller, i will be ban my account</r>
  13. Re: Epic Jolly Garchomp <r><QUOTE author="ImRig"><s> </e></QUOTE> I don't know if you are a troll or what, but if you have 5m to spend like that it's good for you <E>:y:</E><br/> <br/> (If he doesn't pay my offer is still 2.5m for that garchomp)<e> </e></QUOTE> not troll here</r>
  14. Re: Epic Jolly Garchomp <r>5m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  15. Re: WTS godly politoed h.a <r>4m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  16. Re: Godly Garchomp / Haxorus / Hydreigon / Squirtle Clone <r>i buy instant 10m for garchomp <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  17. i start bid 1.5m :Grin:
  18. Re: Epic Bold Florges 30/17/16/31/18 <r>2.4m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  19. Re: Epic Bold Florges 30/17/16/31/18 <r>2.2m <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  20. i buy scizor instant 3m :thanks: pm me ingame when u online :thanks:
  21. Re: Epic Bold Florges 30/17/16/31/18 <r>2m <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  22. Re: Epic Bold Florges 30/17/16/31/18 <r>1.7m <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  23. Re: wts godly murkrow <r>400k <E>:Grin:</E></r>
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