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  1. Oh yes admin, please move this Thread, to Player Support. i only see this forum before login in. Xory ! :Grin:
  2. Hallo Admin ! I Surely love this game, but there is something i want to ask about the way of learning moves. When a pokemon learn new moves, it will pop up a screen and ask what moves should be forgotten and being relpaced with a new one. When cliking the moves and that moves will instantly replaced with a new one. Don't it better to giving a Option once more time to verify the moves? Like "Do you sure to forgot X Moves?" and then "Yes" or "No" just like at Gameboy? Because sometimes it's feel too sudden to choose the moves when it pop up, usually i play (don't know others) clicking the screen over and over when battling for faster the text, and accidentally choose important moves to be replaced with new moves (Re-learning moves not implemented right? and if it do exist, it's too far for beginers to reach the NPC) Yeah, just that, Hope this server getting Better day by day ! :Grin: Thanks Admin !
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