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  1. Hello Xylos, Thx for the answer, i'm on my way for the private area.
  2. Yeah i think this could be true, but the second account is still here with all data and pkmn, it would be very surprising a 5 hours account still survive, and a membership account, even old, with mount, lot of money and a tons of investment is deleted when this one still running no? I just want to be sure this is it, because i had a lot of time and even some money investment on the account, don't want to start over and buy everything again if my account just get deleted for some reason. If someone from the staff read this, i have the account name, the email and even some old Paypal transaction linked to the account if this is needed to figure out what account it is.
  3. By the way, logging in the second account (girlfriend one) I found the confirmation about my nickname, i gave her a larvitar, it has my nickname related.
  4. You mean a ban related clean up? I don't think i've done something ever on the game to get ban, except maybe this double account/email relation, could be the reason. Maybe a one account restriction clean, and the last account created on the address is the one surviving the clean up. I'm still trying to figure out if my password isn't something else, narrowing the possibilities x).
  5. Yes could be leggit and ok, but why not this second one? x) this one was played 5 hours in october 2016, and is still active x).
  6. At the moment i've tried every possibilities i can think of concerning password/username, nothing match, i will try to think a bit more. The second account is this one, I merged it, it works. Everything seems ok on this account, i can lauch the game, but it seems to have no relation with the other account. This account was just use 5 hours by my girlfriend, to try the game and play a little with me. The last time i played is late 2016 i think, so i guess a lot of things changed in the game, i just hope the other account is not lost, because i had a lot of training evs and optimised pkmn on it.
  7. I can't access the dashboard on the wanted account, infact i can't log-in . I'm pretty sure i'm using the good password, email adress or nickname (could be mistaken of course) but the account just seems to be non-existant. I'm posting from the second one. The problem is on the loggin menu, i don't know if my account get deleted or not, or if i'm doing a mistake or something like this.
  8. Hello team, i would like to continue the game on my existant account used something like 12-18 month ago. The problem is i can't figure what password i used, and when i try the reset password function with my nickname and my email adress, there is no match. I still have the registration mail recieved on the adress the 09/21/2016, so i'm positive i'm using the good mail adress and the right nickname, but can't figure much. Could the problem be on the fact I used the same adress to create a second account a few days after for my girlfriend? I can see on the rules that the account number/email adress is limited to one, but didn't remember that rule back then, and can't figure out why this second account used only 5 hours could have survived instead of the other one used something like 1000 hours x) Little help appreciated :).
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