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Everything posted by Aleximo

  1. @Dacius, What I meant is that I'm not going to be online when the auction was meant to end, so I sold it meanwhile I could be online, thank you for your bid however, have a nice day
  2. Omastar Sold for 700k to Buhuhy due to absence when official auction was expected to end.
  3. Welcome dear friends! This is my shop and these are the rules *I can refuse any of the offers. If I think it's not worth, i won't take it. *Don't fake offer. You will get reported. *I may accept other pokemons or items as trade. *Bidding goes on for a 2 of days, please be patient. Lvl 100 Pokemons for Sale: Tyranitar (350k) https://gyazo.com/4b01ac42e9db5215300aee88c7990077 Luxray (200k) https://gyazo.com/70ccca23495ea20ef76684892974476e Scizor (350k) https://gyazo.com/0c130ec066b95782b27754d21188fd39 Azumarill (150k) https://gyazo.com/821967b24d4269d027961b4f8278fd39 Forretress (450k) https://gyazo.com/04533b206cee6aa77ac6621507229261 You can reach me here on the forum in the comment section or IG: Aleximo Best of luck! :Shy: Aleximo
  4. Re: Trigga's Treasures (update 16-5 Weavile & Electivire) <t>300k electrawire</t>
  5. I've got roughly 230hours in game btw! Money farming is my main jam
  6. Hello there everyone! Feel free to tune in to my stream, I'm streaming PRO daily from 2-8pm EST or 8pm-2am GMT+1! If you like the grind of the game you should definately come and post some dank memes ;) I'm new to PvP, so people who are sadistic will surely enjoy. See you over at twitch everyone!
  7. IGN: Aleximo Hours played: Approx 150h (over 90 on red)* Activity: I'm a frequent player who loves all sides of PRO, I'm mostly in to PvP however. Age: 21 y/o Badges: 16 Favorite pokemon: Arcanine *: I've recently moved to The Blue server with all my friends, I've already completed the E4 in both regions on the blue server and I'm here to stay, I've been looking for a mature guild to join ever since I sat foot on the server. I previously belonged to the GM Blue's guild (Red server). I feel that I can bring expertise and guidance for lost players and I love to help out to those who are willing to learn, I'm a big fan of voice com too.
  8. Depends on what IVs it has and how well it's EV trained
  9. Re: Aarathen's Mart (24 Epic PvP Ready 100's) (3 New 100's April 28th)) <t>How much for the Umbreon?</t>
  10. Re: Axiel's shop(epic weavile) <t>How much for the sneasel?</t>
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