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Everything posted by Hydron

  1. https://prntscr.com/bpyzbw tree tile on the ground on sevault canyon https://prntscr.com/bpz040 tree tile on rock at seven island https://prntscr.com/bpz0qu able to step on the tree https://prntscr.com/bpz1ed tree tile on ecruetek https://prntscr.com/bpz2aq not sure if it goes in this section but that black line moves whenever the npc below it moves around
  2. I battled a wooper with my squirtle,used water pulse on it,water absorb restored its hp but wooper got confused.
  3. That much is obvious and we know it but it is not helpfull,sometime the server crashes normally withought giving any hints/signs so it is still an unexpected event,that happened to me a lot on the blue server especially.Not to mention the server may start being unstable after you started battling the legends and then crashes before you manage to get them,so same thing quite impossible to predict.
  4. As we all know mew and celebi(and other legends that are gonna be implemented in the future) are one chances encounter legendaries that require a lot effort just to get this one chance to encounter them. So what happens when something happens that destroys our only chance to get them due to server rollback or other server related issues?We cannot wait to try again like with the bosses since if that happens our only chance is gone. So i suggest if someone fails to catch mew to be given another chance to get it,either by making it reappear or put a cooldown to it by making a npc or something else like oak's computer respawn it at the least(that option could be made available only to those who do not have mew's caught data of course as long as they meet the requirments of mew's quest).
  5. In my opinion this will just cause even more questions and confusion among the players, not to mention people asking ''why can't i use the trade chat'' in adition on ''why can't i trade?'' If that for example is implemented, it wouldn't affect only the trade channel but the whole chat overall. People need a picture how much something costs and some do like to get some pokes ready in advance or simply do private price checks. I personaly didn't encounter that many trolls/spam accounts that it would require a restriction for a badge based permission to use the channel. Maybe the idea has some potential but I don't see it being urgent. Thats easily solved by a pop up message that says'You need 4 badges to trade or use the trade chat' or something along this line whenever someone with less than 4 badges attempts to post on the trade chat. Its not like they are prevented from checking the trade chat or pm other players to do price checks so they can do what you said,this suggestion only restricts them from '''posting''' in the trade chat when they cannot trade to begin with,so they do not waste others players time as well. Then you got lucky and logged in when they are not logged in,also the number of troll accounts is not important,as having this requirment solves 2 things. 1)People posting trades when they cannot trade(whatever they know they cannot trade or not)that solves the problem of wasting both people's time.Not to mention whats the point of being able to post on the trade chat when you don't have 4 badges?Its not like you/they miss on anything other than wasting people's time. 2)No matter how big or small in number those troll accounts are,at the least with this requirment the trade chat will be safe from them,as they would not bother to get 4 badges only to get banned.
  6. What i would like to suggest is something simple,before someone would be allowed to post on trade chat he must have 4 badges. Since you need 4 badges to trade to begin with,that would help avoiding misunderstadings such as people posting in trade chat withought having 4 badges,not to mention that would also help the trade chat to be clear of troll accounts at the least(accounts that are being created only for the sake of trolling and spam).
  7. I think this is the correct topic to post(let me know if it is not)so this is what happened,when the npc noticed it came on the land while it was on the sea,after i defeated it i could pick the item normally(even while the npc was on top of it).
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