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About Crystalcrusader

  • Birthday 07/15/1991

Personal Information

  • Career
    Customer service Rep
  • Occupation
    Customer service Rep

Crystalcrusader's Achievements



  1. nice! a good chat i can keep open if i need someone to get ahold of me for daycare stuff :D
  2. depending on how busy. usually i can get 2 pokemon done a night, i work from home so if i work an 8 hour shift. im here 8 hours ev training. plus im usually on before/after work for awhile anyway.
  3. lol . server down right as we go to find each other :P hopefully its not down too too long. its all for the greater good! :Angel:
  4. I am back up and running, Looking for new customers ;)
  5. if you click login and the client freezes. the servers down. it will not freeze if the server is up. thats one quick way to tell. if your banned/suspended i would assume a message comes up and tells you
  6. I will not be around for 12/6/2015, I am leaving town and will not have internet until i return home.i will be home on the 7th i apologize for the delay
  7. ...this clearly states this is only for EV training
  8. still looking for some new orders. just fill out a form and ill contact you asap :D
  9. Open for orders again!
  10. I have got all the delibirds i need if someone could lock/remove this thread would be great. thanks
  11. servers gone down twice since i started on snorlax alone. This is getting crazy
  12. Sounds good, Should keep me occupied for a few days getting all of that exact. gonna need to make an exception about magikarp. i refuse to do that. unless evolving to gyrados is ok, then ill end up leveling it a few before eving it. ( Noone wants to spend 10 hours eving a karp with tackle -_- )
  13. once the servers up long enough to actually walk between towns ill get right on training snorlax
  14. We are open for request currently
  15. Chansey has been completed. had a lapse of memory on the last 6 EV ended up messing those last 6 up. but the rest are done
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