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Cruzg's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Moved to appropriate sub forum tks sir :Heart:
  2. bang bang bang..
  3. saber if u need any thing just pm me in discord
  4. np baeeee :Heart:
  5. [glow=green]</GLOW> HI GUYS, welcome to GG's dex service [/glow] [glow=red]Rules is simple:[/glow] TRADE ME BACK MY POKES after u have dex of it, if u not ill REPORT U </B> Leave cmt what u need, ill contact u soon [glow=pink]at the moment i have full of kanto and johto dex of course without legend pokes :Crazy: and 1/2 hoen dex, also i have some of pokes reward from boss too.[/glow] [glow=pink]</SIZE> WILL UPDATE HOEN SOON <i>[/glow]</i> [glow=orange]</GLOW> IF U ARE CHRONOS MEMBER, MY SERVICE FREE FOR YOU <i>[/glow]</i> :Cool: <SIZE size="150"><GLOW glow="green">[glow=green]ING: CruzG[/glow] <GLOW glow="red">[glow=red]KANTO:[/glow] 4k/each [glow=purple]JOHTO:[/glow] 4k/each [glow=blue]BABIES:[/glow] 7k/each <B> [glow=red]THANKS FOR VISITED MY POST[/glow]
  6. Re: Chronos' Giveaway <r>thanks BuyShinyNair, and wish all the best for u in life <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> number: 16</r>
  7. Re: selling epic togekiss timid <r>1m2 <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  8. Re: selling epic togekiss timid <r>ill start <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  9. ING: CruzG GMT +7 gl guysss :kiss:
  10. 300k for skor, u rep cmt too longgggggg!!! :Frown:
  11. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <r>2m2 <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  12. 850k impish scyther
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