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About Sharuharu

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  1. Today i defeated horon boss and tried to finish the halloween quest but i get a stuck in there. Can you help me get out there?. My ingame: Sharuharu Sever gold.
  2. No one can help me?
  3. My ingame: Sharuharu sever gold
  4. Hi. Today I defeated the boss "Horon". I tried to enter the Castle with Miracle Eye and Odor Sleuth move (last time i missed the quest) but i see nothing in there and i can't get out. ( i don't have escape rope). And Could you tell me what is the problem with me?. Why i can't continue the quest?
  5. Sorry, i have mistake about sever.
  6. The auction ended ?. If you don't want to sell, i will cancel my offer and i will spend money for another
  7. start
  8. Sold
  9. Hi. Want to sell this epic B.o =800k Insta=2m min bid=100k Auction end after 5 hours
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