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About Ferris

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  1. May he got ip banned from other account/s for X reassons. Junix94, let it login into page, not you, and he should see if its able and what it says.
  2. Jesus now im more lost than at the start, i think is better to ignore the base stats isnt it? lol
  3. That was delicious. That math is hard for me lol. So every abra is going to get different stats at same level is not just "those white stats doesnt matter they are always same"? I didnt did the correct question meh cant explain better
  4. Im not talking about other games, we are on pokemon and is what i want to learn.
  5. And once again base stats are BASE B A S E. If they are afecteds by ev iv and nature they should be MORE not lesser. So wikis lies Or PRO have those stats modifieds.
  6. Are you guys saying, base stats should be lesser because they are a calculation? :) i think you guys are wrong. Btw, the word base what is for you?
  7. Okay, since ive never noticed that ivs or evs exists, thats new for me on PRO. Now, ive looking info about on wikis, fanpages about pokemon etc etc.. My surprise was, PRO have modified stats of pokes too? Heres an example about an abra ive found and info about it from bulbapedia: Looking on stats you can see it tells you Abra have 310 base stats in total, mine have 122 at lvl 15 (14+14+32+36+26). Now you going to say "Eh, dont forget the nature and ivs!" and i tell you, nature doesnt delete stats and if you count ivs, stats then are lesser if you take off the ivs quantity from the base stats, my abra have around 40 BASE STATS?! It already have less then a original level 1, even at lvl 15, so what now? I cant understand a sht... Rly, very lost and i want to know what im playing.
  8. Those guys... Are you using 32 bits on a 64 OS? 32 on a 32 OS?
  9. Thats the point of pokemon, trying to make the perfect poketeam and find the most rarest pokes.
  10. I totally aggree with that part, if a game isnt enjoyable for you, you should find other. The point for me as an example is, even if its harder at the start i know it will be funny later so even mad ill keep trying, still harder than normal pokemon games. Offering a boost=makes games like original, when it should be original by default and the boost gives extra xp instead. You want your players to stay your game not to kick them at the start. Im going to continue playing, i care obvious about the extra difficult, just as said isnt imposible, but that doesnt mean game isnt more harder, accept it. PS: im entering on a new level of conversation and im not an english talker/student so sorry if im not understandable on something.
  11. I understand all your points since you guys have spent playing more than doing other things, maybe you dont care how to waste your time, and every single reply is from people that actually has beaten the game or is near of. Now use your brain and think on your past times and be honest not just saying the obvious. Logic you going to say at some point "And now what?" but thats going to happen later or sooner, doesnt matter the difficult if you dont stop playing. Btw, i didnt stopped playing but i aggree with the part of thats a grinding game. So what OP did? Its obvious the potential part think the game isnt "hard" or a "grinding" game, thats because that potential part is playing the game, fking logic isnt it? The high part of people that disagree maybe isnt playing and not going to reply here? Theres a point New players cant skip this part ;)
  12. Main "theme" of this game isnt complete pokedex and beat the best? Leveling should be a second line of game, even getting the best pvp pokes is the most hard part. Theres no problem about giving benefits to payers, atleast dont [Censored] the original game experience. i played about half of my game time without membership and can personally say the game experience for me wasnt ruined due to the exp system c: I have this account for months and im still on second gym because i get bored of grinding like an idiot chinesse farmer (not racismt, just an expresion), its not how a game works, games are entretainment not a job. Ive spent half of my played time on a poke center because of that. If youve felt good leveling im glad you enjoyed the game, but it shouldve enjoyable on all ranks even for a new pokemon player that need to learn about and not get boring on the first 10 minutes. Ye ye theres alot of people playing this pokemon game bla bla, but as obvious, people that doesnt have the same patience as me or others, they just leave forever because they didnt found the "Pokemon Game" that they mind this was, (hundreds of inactive accounts is a good number? Even thousands can be a good one). As ive said, im glad you enjoyed the game with the actual grind way but thats not the way. I understand all points of view, because are just points of view and opinions that everyone have one same as asses.
  13. Nice 2 free methods, oh wait, its paid. its not like its impossible to play the game without the exp boost that comes with the membership. I personally see nothing wrong with giving someone who donated a little extra boost. Theres no problem about giving benefits to payers, atleast dont fuck the original game experience.
  14. Nice 2 free methods, oh wait, its paid.
  15. Mind on deleing nurse joy's dialong? Fcking heal my pokes and go out madamme!
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