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Everything posted by Newfriend

  1. up, 1h left
  2. @Ghouler you win please add me or discord dat00358. End
  3. Start 600k Min bid 100k End 30h after first bid
  4. It not a bundle @Shiringa
  5. Noted thanks @Epicmon
  6. start 150k min bid 20k 24h left after first bid 1 2
  7. Gengar 105k
  8. Gengar 77k bun 126k
  9. Bun 110k
  10. Gengar 70k
  11. @St4ru you win, what time you can online?
  12. Gengar 50k
  13. 24h left
  14. Wtb modest calm togepi or evol , careful snorlax or evol Epic or semi epic
  15. I have one how much you can pay for him
  16. up
  17. Up
  18. Lavitar start 300k min bid 50k Blacephalon h.p steel start 400k mịn bid 100k End after 48h first bid
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