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Everything posted by Triggeredge

  1. Hi guys this is my first contribution, I made this simple console tool to download all pokemon sprites from http://www.pokestadium.com/tools/sprites. Also have the possibility to download all the pokemon data and ability data in json format. How to use: 1. Simply extract the rar file in any directory. 2. Run PokemonResourceDownloader.exe 3. Select an option. 4. Wait until process end. 5. Have fun ^^. Tool Config: You can specify a custom download path by modifying the config.ini file. Feel free to ask me something or send me any suggestions ^^. Regards. Download: https://mega.nz/#!8cExFAwT!G3ORQenWFvlBRO1o7h6kiBb-ZvM3b6Smp8mC4fL0r-I
  2. Hola! me gustaria unirme, este soy io: Me envias un pm Ingame para dejar la guild en la que estoy actualmente (en caso de que quieras agregarme)
  3. Ok srry for double post. Some admin/mod?... Developers we need a Pro API now!
  4. Add new legendary shiny clothes pls..
  5. Hello, this could be possible? My objective is to create a self-updating client, this client should request information about the current Pro version and other things.
  6. Link dead man T_T
  7. To much requirements but, thanks for the guide :Cool:
  8. I respect everyone's opinion but ... The graphics in video games matter much now. A rework on the sprites would not hurt in the future!
  9. Why not change all pokemon static sprites for animated sprites? like these:
  10. Thank you! I wanna a mewtwo, but what I see is not accessible in the game :Frown:
  11. Interesting guide thanks!
  12. Hi guys! there any guide to capture all pokemons?
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