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Everything posted by Diegomc111

  1. https://imgur.com/mBYUK3G Hitmontop https://imgur.com/QVhxwpP Milotic https://imgur.com/vnYq0Vn Dusknoir https://imgur.com/esANrLZ Houndoom First offer 2 days bid :)
  2. thanks dude!
  3. mm... ok thanks :)
  4. moderators ones every time I want to capture a pokemon and pressed "items" the game freezes for more than a minute or until the server kicks me please help :Frown: :Frown: :Frown:
  5. PRO Username: diegomc111 Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? entre a hablar con arnei What have you already tried to solve the problem? no Description and Message hello when I atener A battle with the boss is frozen Arnei
  6. https://imgur.com/CfiirNn Salamanence lvl 100 Start Bo 180k https://imgur.com/zS9NcdC Gliscor lvl 100 hidden Start Bo 180k https://imgur.com/pgmijj6 Absol lvl 100 Start Bo 150k https://imgur.com/Ly30eGm Gligar with razor fang lvl 97 Start Bo 100k https://imgur.com/0ARBvV5 Leavanny lvl 97 Start bo 100k https://imgur.com/hTatV4i Nuzleaf lvl 95 max spd Start Bo 120k
  7. up
  8. https://imgur.com/gallery/6ruv1l4/new epic numel BO?
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