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Posts posted by Kurocron

  1. -snip-

    Are you on the right server and account ?

    The quickslots are set to the client not account so you can put a mount in the quickslots on one account and it will be there for all the others


    yes i did check the right bag and the mount was the ninetales mount *normal* one ty for replying so quickly, and sorry for my late reply hehe


    Did you give your account details (login+password) to anyone; so that someone might have traded it away?

    I actually can't do anything here neither can you, only a staff member can maybe solve this issue. :P


    i havent checkt the other servers so it might be on there ill check in a second, and no i havent given my account info to anyone at all so it cant be that unless im hacked or something :/

  2. okay so after a while not playing i logged in just now and i tryed to activate my mount wich dint work so i removed it from the quickslot bar and wanted to put it from my bags in the quickslot bar again but it was gone from my bags, please help! how do i get it back ?


    Hello kurocron,


    which mount was it and did you check the right category in the bag?




    yes i did check the right bag and the mount was the ninetales mount *normal* one ty for replying so quickly, and sorry for my late reply hehe

  3. okay so after a while not playing i logged in just now and i tryed to activate my mount wich dint work so i removed it from the quickslot bar and wanted to put it from my bags in the quickslot bar again but it was gone from my bags, please help! how do i get it back ?

  4. hello there i have been wondering for a while now about the server it keeps crashing and crashing and being rebooted and stuff yet we dont get any update about what you the team on PRO is doing to fix things it would be immensly appriciated if you guys could communicate with us like posting something as an update about what kind of problems ur facing or something like where working on fixing issues on the server n stuff .. but we dont hear anything at all and i know im not the only 1 wanting to hear/help u guys in making everything more enjoyable so why not give us a bit of insight from someone in PRO about how u guys are doing and whats going wrong with the servers :) i absolutely love this game and i really wish it keeps getting beter so yeah this was my rant and i hope u kind ppl at PRO wil kindly let us know whats up :)


    Love kurocron :>

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