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About Xephon12

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  1. Tell you what guys , since it's taking alot of time , I'll make an insta 17M. Cheers and good luck
  2. Hi everyone , I want to sell this xmas devilish guy. Just to know it's not an auction , I'll take the offer that suits me ( expecting some high prices ) so don't be offended if I refuse yours. Thanks and good luck everyone. ( @Mods I don't know if it should be in shiny subforum or here , I'll leave this matter to you guys , thanks.)
  3. Can be locked , swablu traded with aymanex.
  4. Because many of you guys asked , so I'll set an insta price ( before starting to insult me read everything ^^ ). So my insta is 65 M , it doesn't mean that I won't accept any other lower price it's just to set the the offer that I can't refuse. Cheers and good luck.
  5. Yeah I guess the game is nicely trolling me ! ^^ thanks for the gongratz ^^
  6. So after more then a week hunting Xmas Swablu I got a shiny swablu and still 0 Xmas :( !
  7. Hey guys let's keep this topic only for offers , and let's avoid other non relevant comments , you can PM him if you want. Thank you and GL everyone
  8. you are in blue now? i know u from red if possible put the end time bro :thanks: If the deads makes great offers so let's welcome them ! ^^ , anyways mate as I told you in game no endtime as it's not an auction but still I'm not gonna take ages , 1 day or 2 maximum.
  9. Say an insta, i am up to it :Cool: I would have loved to give you guys an insta , but tbh since it's really a rare shiny one It's kind of hard to have an insta in mind . Sorry mate , but you may want to make an offer ( that I can't refuse lol ) and let's see how the topic will evolve (anyways I'm not going to take ages to take a decision 1day or 2 maximum ). Cheers mate and good luck
  10. Hi , I want to sell this beautifull guy. Just to know it's not an auction , I'll take the offer that suits me ( expecting some high prices ) so don't be offended if I refuse yours. Thanks and good luck everyone. PS: taking mainly money but I can make an exception for some exceptionan PVP pokes. Edit : Because many of you guys asked , so I'll set an insta price ( before starting to insult me read everything ^^ ). So my insta is 65 M , it doesn't mean that I won't accept any other lower price it's just to set the the offer that I can't refuse. Cheers and good luck.
  11. Garchomp and Blaziken are still available, Starmie is sold. Allright! I''m in Amsterdam timezone, please pm me when you'll be online to arrange a time. Hey mate , then may I offer 1M5 for both of them ? thanks
  12. Hi mate , are garchomp , blaziken and starmie still available ? thanks
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