Hello and welcome to my post!
If u read the post and have any question put me bellow in the comments.
If u want use my services , talk with me ingame [Tokioin] or put a comment bellow.
Normally only will accept money for my services.
Normal leveling up
1 to 60 * 500 per lvl*
61 to 80 *800 per lvl*
81 to 90 *1.200 per lvl*
91 to 95 *2.000 per lvl*
96 to 100 *8k per lvl*
Bonus leveling up
If the pokemon is evolved the price are x2
Chansey or happiny have x2 too
If the pokemon dont have evos x 1.5
Evs training
252 Stat *25.000*
Full evs training 252 x2 or buyer choose *45000*
Reset stats for *4.000 10 evs*