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Everything posted by Jovian

  1. Re: selling EPIC omanyte <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/1BfXVe5.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> last 24hours from now <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  2. https://prntscr.com/9dbgqc
  3. bump
  4. Welcome to my shop I will selling a good - epic Pokemon here, also all EV Berries @2.5k my ign : [highlight=yellow]Jovian[/highlight] I accept Poke-dollar or trade with another epic Pokemon important note: 1- Do not ask for price/ when, just make an offer. 2- I'll start the auction if i meet a good offer. 3- I reserve the right to create my own values on my Pokemon. 4- I reserve the right to reject your offer and withdraw my Pokes here. 5- Having a BO does not mean that i will sell it for that price, i will eventually set up a buyout price. 6- Exclude all hold items. 7- No Bid & Run, Fake BO = Report. My 100 poke Others
  5. tyvm Red, you know me so well :Heart:
  6. Agree. I got troll when i want to trade it in this morning, server down for a long time.... arround 7 hours maybe. :Cry: :confused:
  7. Re: Silver's Shop Epic Lapras Shiny Snubbull & Shiny Donphan added <t>200k for lapras</t>
  8. Okay tyvm, case closed :y:
  9. I've evolved 48 and owned 145 Kanto Pokemon, (nothing happened) the NPC always says You need to looooooooooooooove Kanto Pokemon even more than that! Please admin help my case. link : https://i60.tinypic.com/90n9fb.jpg
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