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Posts posted by Comrader

  1. 3 hours ago, Gatso said:

    Reset history infraction after  2 times mods used past ban for enlarge the punishment.

    That is an absolutely horrible suggestion. Infraction history is there for a reason, not allowing repeat offenders to continue.


    For example: A guy repeatedly uses the n word, gets punished twice and then his history is reset and he can do it all again, where is the logic in that? He and any other rule breakers should never be allowed to infinitely commit infractions.

  2. Someone who would start the game would not ever find the "feature" on their own because it shouldn't be a thing, it is a longtime players abused feature.


    44 minutes ago, Pispi13 said:

    spawn rarities are the most recent ones

    I suppose players would want to be lied to. The tiers were missleading in many cases. A pokemons rarity in a map is dependant on what other pokemons spawn in the map and how rare they are, because it's inconsistent across almost all maps and people don't realise that, they only see a number 7 that is lower than 8 and think it would spawn more frequently than the other map. Which made 95% of the maps for a pokemon never to be used as hunting ground even if they were way better in reality, the change to tiering system deceives the player less and gives them the option to go hunt at a place they may prefer or what is closer. It isn't a hard concept to understand and it's weird people still call it a bad change or whatever. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Xtremes said:

    What does this even mean? How are you going to just sell a coin capsule? how are you obtaining it in the first place? real money? Cause that requires work.

    OP is literally talking about the coin shop

  4. Exclusivity should be kept with events, but i do agree that like common ideas like articuno and giratina wings should be available always, in my opinion to reflect this events could release shiny versions of the item to keep it as a prestigious token that "I was there". Keep the base items available always and rare versions in events

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  5. 7 hours ago, Lolking780 said:

    Its the Sinnoh newspaper know for having only mons native to sinnoh. adding mons like ferro and cottonee (unova mons) makes legit no sense based on the story

    Totally agree, they should all be sinnoh based


    7 hours ago, Lolking780 said:

    Ive seen their priority list, and of all things this was the most important? really? I understand making those changes like fixing digs/exca, server porblems, things that were promised years ago like auction house, dc problems

    That is the DEV to-do list, CS are not DEVS and have a different area of work


    7 hours ago, Lolking780 said:

    but was solaceon really on the top of the list?

    Pretty sure this wasn't just a 1 day job, if i recall correctly when i was still staff there was some talk of reworking it from xana to python and then tweaking it to be less abusable

  6. 5 minutes ago, ThatGuyGareth said:

    Why is every thread that has somewhat negative feedback and or positive towards something pve related, always get a response about PVP. Not everyone is here for PVP

    If something PVE related is uber better than PVP why would anyone do PVP to get the item. Why work for something in a GRINDY game? That seems to be the mindset of people here. 


    5 minutes ago, Crucifixuz said:

    u act like he pull those 8 characters from his magic hat from nowhere. pvp is the most boring __________ ever and the rewards are bad true maybe that could be changed idk xD but why doom the already nerfed  pve even more i dont get it its like impossible to make cash now then

    Get few tickets from the quest for free, sell them and get story service, boom 8 characters.


    I don't understand why you think PVE content is not worth rn, PVE content is supposed to be something that you put effort into. This rework BUFFED this system with the addition of nature rerolls. Newly caught pokemon should have always been a requirement. You cannot act like this change killed the thing. The previous solaceon was hurtful to the economy, it could still be because the reroll rates are still probably better than like PVP, but it's not as drastic as before. Making cash is not impossible in this game, you just don't want to accept some options of making it, like hunting or bosses. And because you don't want to put effort into the game you don't easily get money as you shouldn't. PRO is a MMORPG not an idle game, in idle games you earn money for doing nothing and in a MMORPG you get money for work. If this doesn't appeal to you then PRO isn't the game for you. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Crucifixuz said:

    how was it overpowered

    A guy has 8 characters in the game, he logs on for a few minutes each day on all of them to do the quest, on the 7th day on average he gets 2 reroll tickets for next to no work. A PVPer wins 150 matches of pvp each taking way longer than doing 1 day of solaceon on 8 accounts, and the PVPer gets 1 reroll tickets, for the equivalent of almost 150 days in solaceon house. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, Electrocute4u said:

    But why is this change so "bad"?

    People will lose interest in my opinion, just like with the Celedon daily quest. Time is essential for people.

    While the difference here is the insanely better rewards, it still doesn't feel right to have to catch the Pokemon on a daily basis.

    No, people won't lose interest because it is by far the EASIEST way of getting a reroll ticket.

    28 minutes ago, Electrocute4u said:

    Why it should be reverted - My personal opinion:

    Some days I can't play because of work, projects, simply not in the mood etc.

    But, that didn't stop me from logging in on PRO for just 5 minutes, finding the suited Pokemon, and logging off again.

    Right now, I feel like my entire reason to play PRO is basically gone.

    The only reason I played PRO right now is to do this quest, well was. And seasonal events.

    5 minutes every day to get a chance at one of the most wanted and valued items in the game is absolutely horrid for the economy, sometimes life doesn't allow us to play and that's that. PRO is a MMORPG and not an idle cash simulator. Working for something should ALWAYS reward you more than something that's just 5 minutes of moving and then afking.

    28 minutes ago, Electrocute4u said:

    Where PRO went seriously wrong...

    Again, this is a very sensitive topic to bring up, but I'm not afraid to state my opinon on this.


    Make a thread, announce ahead of time, do some testing or speak with your community.

    This came out of the blue and I am not really sure what to say, as a Contributor I feel so left in the dark.

    While there might be some dedicated channels for this, promote them, shine some lights on them, because I have not seen even one of them.

    So, that's why I'm kind of feeling fed up about new changes going through, without the community's input on it, before it goes live.

    On a general note i could agree, but not in this instance. Solaceon was a MASSIVE variable in the economy for years and this change was 100% needed. 

    28 minutes ago, Electrocute4u said:

    I think many may share this opinion with me...

    I see plenty of people doing the same thing as me, being online only for a short period of time, in the same AFK spots in Solaceon Town.

    Why? Because they don't have a better reason to play PRO or they don't have time to spare hunting for a new Pokemon on a daily basis for this challenge.

    This quest served as a vital part of getting a masterball on a weekly basis and occasionally if you were lucky a RR ticket.

    And that's why some people still did this on a daily basis, even if they might not have time for it.

    Again, PRO is not an idle game, it is a MMORPG with grind. Not idle.






    Do you think it is fair that another guy gets a reroll for 150 wins in PVP, and another gets one or even multiple ones in a week by doing solaceon quest on 8 characters by afking in a pokecenter?


    EDIT: To add the rework actually buffed it in a way for players who are actually willing to put some effort in, not just afking. You now have a 50% chance to get some kind of reroll, being it an IV or a nature one on the 7th day, instead of the 25% for an IV one previously. This change comes with the unique catching requirement which is 100% fine, solaceon will still remain the games best reroll source. It won't be nearly as bad of an individual to the economy as before, but will provide hard workers with more rewards than before. 

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