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Gallimar's Achievements



  1. In-Game Name: Gallimar Discord Tag: Gallimar@5885 Server: Gold How often do you use Discord?: Everyday What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord?: A battle channel where people can post their ideas/teams for pvp to help new players. Its hard as a new players to know wich pokemons to go for (Generally that is) <---its a way of guiding new people to become good at pvp.
  2. I need GM assistance. I traded my machop to a guy named "Danu4" who was helping me, but its locked for him so he cant trade it back. The machoke's ID is: 24764838 and is now locked inside "Danu4"s PC
  3. Hey whenever i try to enter the safari zone i get stuck in the loading screen. i now wasted 15k poke dollars and im new :,( Any way of getting a refund? =)
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