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Everything posted by Maemae

  1. NPC Name: Sleepy Mae Starting Dialogue: Is it Christmas already? Not yet? :D: Losing Dialogue: zzZZ... zzzZZZZ... (She fell asleep). :Sleeping: On Cooldown Dialogue: She sleep talks... Wake me up when it's Christmas... zZZzzzZZZ... :Sleeping: Team: delibird, stantler, snover, drowzee, pichu/xmas pikachu Special Request (If any): I want to look like a child wearing small Santa hat with candy cane in mouth or hand if ever. NPC Name: Xmas Mae Dialogue: Do you know the best gift for Christmas? It's Mae! <3
  2. Waiting will help, but in frequent cases (just like what happen to me before), waiting didn't worked.
  3. As what i expected. The only way to get it back is to hunt it again. Lol. thanks
  4. Thanks. That's what i'm doing always. But i relogged before it happened that's why i think it wont occur that moment(cuz relogging solves it too based on my experience). But how about the pokemon i lost because of it? is there a way so i can get that back to me?
  5. Hello! I dont know if this is the proper place to report this. Is there any way to get rid of bag lag? When im about to catch a pokemon and opens my bag, the game freezes and becomes not responding. Sometimes it returns to normal after a couple of minutes, but sometimes it does not until I get disconnected automatically. The worst thing that happened to me because of it was when I’m hunting gibles. I lost the gible and 15k because the game didn’t return to normal. And just today, I lost a bagon. I’ve been hunting for almost 7hours. This bagon is the first bagon that spawned after 7hours of hunting but I lost it because of bag lag. What I want to know is that, is there a way so I can get back that lost bagon again? Please... Thanks in advance. :Frown: i have a ss of it but i dont know how to attach it.
  6. Thanks a lot! :Angel: it's all done now. :thanks:
  7. On which PCs did you make the installation? Do you know you have to find 3 specific PCs? mauville, im not sure on the second pc, and pacifidlog. im done with the installation. but i dont know why wallace didn't showed up. i visited all transmat stations in all pcs, and it seems that the installation is already done since there is no more message box that pops out whenever it try to interact with the computer.
  8. Server: Yellow Player name: Maemae What you did exactly to reach that point. Completed the quest before? Talked to Wattson in New Mauville? -i followed what's stated in the guide. i finished the installation in 3 pcs, but wallace didn't showed up. so i return to new mauville and talked to wattson again. and he said that i have to hurry and finish the installation. but that's what i did already did. the only missing part is that, i need to fight wallace. what should i do? tia.
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