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Posts posted by Ekrips

  1. Hi i would like to join your Clan.

    my name is eKrips alias eKi. IGN: Ekrips. i played 61h and at the moment im in johto gym 5.

    i like to play with other people around the world. i love hunting and collect all pokemons :Cool:

    at the moment im not interresting at pvp.

    i hope you concat me.

    regards eKi

  2. 1. What's your ign? - Ekrips



    2. Can you use Discord? (free voice & text chat app)

    yes username: eKi


    3. What's your play time?

    52h and 2min, its raising every secend :)


    4. Why do you wish to join us?

    dont wanna play alone. i play many online games. and its much more fun play with other plays togehter.

    im new in the world of pro then i need a little help. at the moment im playing with the walktrouht for kanto. E4 im coming :Cool:

    i hope you contact me ingame. im looking forward for a future together.

  3. Hello im eKi alias eKrips,


    im from Germany and im new at the PRO World. My english is not very good, but i think its ok. :Angel:

    At the moment im at Kanto and try to defeat the E4. My Main Poke are at Lvl72 and i try to go lvl80+ for beat the E4.

    My focus is right now walktrough the game and have fun. At the moment i dont need a pvp clan. Just want have fun and a good time.


    Here are my Trainer Card:



    you can contact me here or ingame.


    regards eKi

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