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Everything posted by Zachy15

  1. LEVELING AND E.V TRAINING IS NOW OPEN FOR TRAINERS! for trainers who wants to avail our service you can contact me in game or here in forums! just send me your message! we do leveling without the e.v training or we can do both in the same time! slots are limited only! the service will take 3 to 5 days to finish depends on the pokemon (current level and current e.v's)! the service rate will also depends on the pokemon but our minimum rate is 100k and maximum of 200k per pokemon! we als do some extra service likely dex service for all pokemon in kanto and johto region only! the reate of dex service will depend on how rare the pokemon is! normal poke is 5k for uncommon 15k for rare 25k for more info kindly contact me! thank you!
  2. 1. How many hours of gameplay do you have? = Pokemon time (60hrs and 26mins) 2. Tell us a little about yourself.= I'm friendly, helpful, fun and jolly guy, also is good in having a conversation with other people. 3. Are you able to visit Discord? = I'm always online in discord, in short, I always visit discord :) 4. Are you going to be online daily? = yes I can play 24 hrs or should I say I can play 6 times in a week 5. What do you look for in a guild? = I prefer a guild that is active and the members are helpful, understanding, joyful, jolly people, and open minded and a lot more. 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person? = I'm both PvE and PvP 7. Which server do you play? = I'm in blue server
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