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Everything posted by Lucasb1

  1. Hello LucasB1, for of all welcome to PRO/the forum, about your request; this is sadly not possible, they can not change your ingame name but you have the opportunity just to create a new account (you can have up to 4 accounts in total on 2 email's). I am sorry for the inconvenience. this is the right sub forum for these questions :) -> General Support Greetings Thank you for answering me, it helped a lot. :Smile:
  2. Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to change my name in the game. The reason for this is that I ended up using my personal name, and I do not like using it in games. Since I already have a certain amount of time spent playing, I wanted to know if it is possible for ADM or a member of staff to make this change. I thank the attention. :Smile:
  3. Guild crescendo! Isso ai galera!
  4. I totally agree with this suggestion. The PRO box is totally messed up. There should be a way to organize it in the way that each player wanted. Like the gameboy pokemons, where you put the poke in any slot and there it stayed. I think the staff should invest and think about this possible change, because without any doubt, the players would appreciate it. :Smile:
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