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Everything posted by Shin1068

  1. Re: Taipouz *BiG UPDATE 21/03 => Dragonite HA / Sableye HA / Gligar HA <t>B.o dragonite h.a 300k</t>
  2. Hi guys, i want to buy : 1. Shiny sentret/furet - abi FRISK 2. Shiny paras/parasect - nature ADAMANT abi DRY SKIN If you have it, just tell me, i will pay good price for you ^^ Thanks ^^
  3. Re: SELL! SHINY SHOP! <r><QUOTE author="Purple"><s> </e></QUOTE> End time bid and i won shiny mamoswine, rip.</r>
  4. Re: SELL! SHINY SHOP! <t>end ?????</t>
  5. Re: SELL! SHINY SHOP! <t>i b.o mamoswine 200k</t>
  6. Re: sell shiny Wingull (10h left) <t>End, Lauty win b.o.<br/> <br/> I will contact you ingame. Tks ^^</t>
  7. Re: sell shiny Wingull (10h left) <r>Bumz <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  8. Re: sell shiny Wingull ^^ <r><IMG src="https://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu277/bishin_2009/1_zps5leqjs7e.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> best offer 410k by Lauty</r>
  9. Re: sell shiny Wingull ^^ <r><IMG src="https://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu277/bishin_2009/1_zps7fiuaef3.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> best offer 405k</r>
  10. i sell shiny Wingull or trade with rare shiny epic. start 400k insta 800 best offer 410k by Lauty Bid will end in 36h, GMT +7, 12h A.M 29/2/2016
  11. Re: shiny (timid gastly) (Alakazan) (42hour) <t>200k gastly :v</t>
  12. Re: shiny (timid gastly) (Alakazan) (48hour) <t>gastly 150k</t>
  13. Re: Sell The First Shiny Spoink <t>can i b.o shiny wingull + 850k ?</t>
  14. i b.o 100k and tell me insta price and how long bid ?
  15. Re: h037 Shop, Shiny Whismur ! <t>i b.o shiny whismur 100k, and can you tell me time end.</t>
  16. Re: Kos' Shop \o/ [Epic Female Snorunts] Instants Added <r><QUOTE author="Kosgladx"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey, i'm online</r>
  17. Re: Kos' Shop \o/ [some S Unown and EPIC Eevees Inside] Instants Added <t>I'm win b.o S UNown, when we can trade ?</t>
  18. I want to buy shiny paras or shiny parasect Nature: adamant Ability: dry skin
  19. Re: Kos' Shop \o/ [some S Unown and EPIC Eevees Inside] Instants Added <r><QUOTE author="Kosgladx"><s> </e></QUOTE> which means 2 hours, right?<e> </e></QUOTE> Actually tomorrow means the day after today, so it means 26 hours.<e> </e></QUOTE> Yah, ok ok, i got it ^^</r>
  20. Re: Kos' Shop \o/ [some S Unown and EPIC Eevees Inside] Instants Added <r><QUOTE author="Kosgladx"><s> </e></QUOTE> k, u got bo, it will be sold tomorrow 9:25 PM<e> </e></QUOTE> which means 2 hours, right?</r>
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