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  1. Thanks for the discord, as far as the problem is not something so important, it only bothers aesthetically, but I wanted to report it, regards
  2. Hi, I'm having the following problem when I'm in sinoh : My avatar is in middle of the sea
  3. Hi i have a question, You need to evolve 38 pokemon caught or capture 38 evolved pokes?
  4. Win = +Pokedolars , Lose = -Pokedolars It would be bored with nothing to lose ...
  5. PRO Username: Nitmha Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Reinstalling the application and download it again What have you already tried to solve the problem? Check the forum, create issue to solve, completely ignored by the "moderators". Description and Message Currently these are the requirements to run the game on android: Operating System: Android 4.0 or later. CPU: Dual Core 1Ghz + or better recommended. RAM: 1GB + recommended. Graphics Support: OpenGL ES 2.0 or later. I have three cell that far exceed this requirement and does not work when it comes to "Loading hats" closes and says "Pokemon revolution has stopped" Already more than 10 check post with different people with the same problem and just see how they ignore you the same advice in itself already you know and try. If the requirements of android are others please update that and but provide some solution, because I'm tired of reading and avoid the problem saying it is for the ram, when it has happened to people with cel to triple the RAM required.
  6. Then there is no solution? only they will close every post in the forum and hide the problem?
  7. Re: Selling Epic PVP gengar (24h) <t>Only for insta? 50k for pika...</t>
  8. same problem s4, and s4 mini its working -.-
  9. Tried to close application that might drain your RAM? Also try totally delete PRO and redownload it I've uninstalled and re-download the game and does not work, one week of use has the phone, clear ram but still does not work I have to assume it's a bug with the latest patch? I can not find solution since.
  10. 1. This game is in BETA, it will get content added constantly. 2. Queue system was implemented because the community demanded it 3. If you could play with 1gb before you were lucky, requirements were always MINIMUM 1,5 GB for android Hi, s4 exeeds the minimum requirements sige x twice and then closing off loading hats.
  11. That's what Red said on another similar thread, check it out please Sorry but that seems an email automatic, I have seen more than 5 or 6 post in the forum with the same problem, I have a s4 (fulfills all the requirements) and yet closes after the "loading hats hats, hats i said?" Not seem to want to give a solution.
  12. Guys check this minimun requeriments for android: Android: Operating System: Android 4.0 or later. CPU: 1Ghz+ Dual Core or better recommended. Ram: 1GB+ recommended. Graphics Support: OpenGL ES 2.0 or later. I have samsung galaxy S4, that cell exeds alls requeriments but the problem continues :Angry: :Angry: :Angry: Where is the moderators of this game or forum? ¬¬
  13. Parece que mucha atencion no le prestan al foro, ya vi varios temas con este problema y sigue sin solucion.
  14. same problem :S
  15. This is frustrating loads the start of the game so far that says "Loading hats, hats hats did i say?" and there it stops charging almost at the end and the application is closed show "Pokemon Revolution has stopped." I know someone who generates this problem? my cell exceeds any requirement for android: _ Esto es frustrante carga el inicio del juego hasta el momento que dice " Loading hats, hats did i say hats?" y ahi mismo deja de cargar casi en el final y se cierra la aplicacion mostrando "Pokemon Revolution se ha detenido" . Alguno que sepa que me genera este problema? mi celular supera todo requisito de android :_ Va en Ingles y Español ya que veo que muchos juegan de habla hispana, solo busco solucion a esto, abrazo.
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