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Everything posted by Jaco

  1. Jaco

    Rare Hunters

    These forums have bad mobile support
  2. Jaco

    Rare Hunters

    wow that sucks...my game froze and had to be restarted and server is now full. guess i was kicked from the server yes i am aware i am double posting but this is worth a new post
  3. Jaco

    Rare Hunters

    Sweet thanks man imma try to get on then. i cant wait to join you all online. now i dont have to solo all bored like cant wait to be in a team such as yourselves.
  4. Jaco

    Rare Hunters

    Haha these time zones are a killer. Whenever I'm on I cant find any RareHunters(least idk the symbol). But idk this special time zone numbers but I am from the US west coast at PST time.
  5. Jaco

    Rare Hunters

    just curious has the team been made yet? or still in need of funding?
  6. Jaco

    Rare Hunters

    hey you guys still recruiting? my name is JACO not Jacob. im new to PokeRev but not new to pokemon games. i am a master of gen 3 and have good knowledge up to gen 6(altho never played them). i have played other pokemon mmos so grinding for that perfect pokemon wont be too hard. Catchmmo ftw. as for my hunting skills my best catch was probably a 3x31 2x25+ and 1x20+ ditto with appropriate nature(yes im aware no breeding here(such sadness but i understand reasons)), and that was done in another game since here i am new and without my first badge. as for comp play i love doubles(from what i hear its not implimented yet *sigh*) but i can fight OU once the metagame starts developing. pls add me because i get Bored AF being solo.
  7. seeing as this game is a CatchMMO game this seems necessary
  8. oh i forgot to ask do you guys have teamspeak? or something of that sort?
  9. well thank you for all the welcomes. yes i understand the game is still new and is still growing in its economy. it definitely needs a lot of work, but that comes with time. I will get to know you all...including you Mods whether you like it or not; however, i have no intention of joining staff cause i wanna go comp once the game is more stable. but i do want to get to know you all. oh and pls impliment Doubles ASAP pls its all i ask
  10. hey this is a good guide but it might be easier to read if it was in order by Route.
  11. Jaco

    Team Wailord

    Team Wailord always the first on the scene....watch once comp starts Wailord is gonna be #1 again
  12. well very nice to meet you. idk how i was not being PG because i was just being myself. but man srs? doubles isnt even implimented? thats like my favorite thing to do. as for the money idk how the currency works and how the ingame market is but i been seeing shiny being sold for 50k meaning they are super under valued and pokemon with 25+ IV in everything being sold for 100k. thats it? srs that seems so under valued. and im sure the members get more money because they pay to play so obv they get rewards but i dont see that as fair cause i want happiness too without paying real money
  13. I am Jaco. I am the peace keeper of the Galaxy. The Chosen Super Elite GALACTIC PATROL MAN. hey guys im new here to these forums and this game. i have asked many questions ingame and have found out alot. this game is in early development so i hope to see what it turns out to become when it is more complete. um i am experienced in pokemon, story and battle. I prefer to fight in Doubled format cause singles sucks balls and people run so many walls where as doubles i can be balance or hyper offensive and still get away with it. this does not mean i am the greatest battler i just have experience but am not a master of the game(pokemon that is im noob here). i watch alot of anime but i prefer to read them as manga. i get really bored ingame so i hope to make friends so i can talk with people. like srs hit me up i will talk. i want to be in a team cause that is usually easiest to talk to people but man teams are so damn expensive. $400k srs? that shit is crazy. but i hear it is supposed to be an honor to be in a team and it comes with perks so we will see when teams start forming. um nice to meet you i guess. lol i dont know you guys yet but you will know me soon.
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