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Posts posted by Derpro

  1. Where are you from?: Denmark

    How old are you?: Not sharing

    How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?: Roughly 1350 hours

    Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?: Yes. The extra abilities and moves along with the extra content (extra pokemon, and an extra region) added to the game has improved it.

    Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?: No.

    If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?: Make the base-game better. Add different music to the battles, as I have already seen this be possible against your rival in Hoenn. Focus on the base game being better by adding more animations to the attacks, have more abilities and moves coded properly and most importantly; add double battles. One of the things that originally drew me to an online pokemon MMO was the idea that you could do multi-battles with a lot of different people you met in the game, but without even having double battles added, that's not possible at the moment. Make the base game work as a real pokemon game would by at the very least having double battles made available and in the future if there's no restrictions on your abilities to develop the battle systems, make multi-battles, rotation battles and triple battles available, too. Otherwise, make Coil actually increase accuracy along with def and atk like it should and make Mismagius able to learn Hex at the pre-evo move tutor.

  2. Also removing pokemon from the bosses rewards and replacing them with eggs of these pokemon that can already be caught will make the goal of defeating some of these bosses feel completely pointless. There's no reason at all to prepare and build a team to defeat a certain boss to obtain certain rewards, because you can get the same rewards by beating a boss that's easier for you to defeat with your current pokemon. The more I think about the impact this idea has on the gameplay, makes this seem more and more insane in my opinion.

  3. I like the unpredictability of the rewards you currently get from the bosses. Making all bosses fit this kind of template makes doing them feel like a boring routine, and personally it will probably make me stop doing bosses. Please don't change bosses like this and only add the eggs as a random reward onto the current rewards, to test how the player-base will react to the egg-feature in the game.

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  4. Name: Depro


    Location: Anywhere in Sinnoh works, but route 228 is preferred.




    "All of these pokemon are trash!


    None of the ones you pitiful trainers in Sinnoh catch are worth anything!"


    The pokemon used by this npc will preferably be poison-type, if it can be managed.


    Dialogue when defeated:


    "This was obviously just a fluke against my non-trash pokemon!


    Your pokemon are trash!




    Dialogue when talked to again when fight is on cooldown:


    "Pokemon that are trash aren't worth having and selling them away to some moron is wrong.


    You should release them back into the wild until you find better ones to keep."


    Appearance can look like this or anything else as long as it is male and wears purple:




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