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Everything posted by Beerus17

  1. I am Hoping that I will be the one who can claim this Nintendo 2ds xl not just because for my own happiness but for my younger siblings also. if i will be the one who can get this console. We might be the happiest people ever. Because we live in a very poor country and our parents cant afford even for my own phone. We are hoping and hoping . Thank you. Username:Beerus17 Server:Red Country:Philippines
  2. I wasnt picked in first giveaway but im still hoping that i could win at this time and i will state my reason why i love this kind of consoles once again. I never had any nintendo consoles since birth and i wish i could have even a nintendo 3ds. Cuz we live in a very poor country and we couldnt buy any nintendo consoles . I just borrrow a laptop or phone from my cousin so that i can play PRO everyday .Our money is spending only in food and clothes. Having that kind of console is one of my biggest dream not me but my sibblings too. And we aare the luckiest people in world if that will happen.Tnx :) I borrowed a phone from my cousin so that i can post it on facebook and screenshot it . :) Username:Beerus17 Country: Philippines
  3. Dear sir Shane, First of all i would like to Thank all of the staffs to put an amazing giveaway like this. When i was a kid i always dream to have my own nintendo 3ds even my own phone until now even i am 21 years old already. I always wish to have any nintendo device/consoles but sad to say we don't have enough money to buy it because i spent my little money for more important things like food and clothes for my family than to buy nintendo consoles. i always borrow my cousin's laptop to play this game everyday. i am hoping that someday i could have my first nintendo consoles even nintendo 3ds. This GIVEAWAY is my only chance to get my first nintendo consoles (HOPING) Thats why i am very happy when i saw this post. if i am the one who givin a chance to win this giveaway ? I and my siblings could be the luckiest and very happiest people in the world xD .Thanks a Lot and Goodluck to Everyone :) https://postimg.org/image/cauxidcgh/ Respectfuly Your's Username:Beerus17/Philippines
  4. wtb jolly h.a heracross with good iv's pvp ready pm me price
  5. i cant message you in game cuz you are always offline
  6. hi i am interested of your heracross . :)
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