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Everything posted by Hyoein
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Slaking & Porygon 2 ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><QUOTE author="PwkWlcn"><s> </e></QUOTE> Slaking 700k :)<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Slaking 1m :)<e> </e></QUOTE> You got b.o sir <E>:Angel:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Slaking & Porygon 2 ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><E>:devil:</E> <E>:Angel:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><QUOTE author="Yukito115"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="LajatoRafael"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="LajatoRafael"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got b.o sir <E>:thanks:</E> <br/> <QUOTE author="jiawen73"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry sir already sold <E>:Frown:</E> <E>:devil:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><QUOTE author="PwkWlcn"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry forgot to update<br/> sold for insta price ( someone give me a good price ) <E>:Frown:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Okay. if i win, most likely to be online 10 hours from now (if server is up) :)<e> </e></QUOTE> sir yes sir <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><QUOTE author="PwkWlcn"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry forgot to update<br/> sold for insta price ( someone give me a good price ) <E>:Frown:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><QUOTE author="JackQwerty"><s> </e></QUOTE> yes sir :3<br/> you can add / pm me in game <br/> <QUOTE author="PwkWlcn"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got bo sir <E>:devil:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><QUOTE author="Yukito115"><s> </e></QUOTE> you can pm / add me in game sir <E>:devil:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><QUOTE author="keilep"><s> </e></QUOTE> okay sir thankyou for your offer<br/> #cant pm you because server It's been offline for 2 hour<br/> <QUOTE author="Vreinzel"><s> </e></QUOTE> you can add me if server online sir <E>:devil:</E> <br/> <QUOTE author="LinQ"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry to low for open b.o / auction</r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><QUOTE author="TerrorGr"><s> </e></QUOTE> until i got a good offer <E>:devil:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><E>:devil:</E> <E>:Angel:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r><QUOTE author="Yukito115"><s> </e></QUOTE> 450k for delphox or dusknoir? <E>:kiss:</E></r>
Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r>IGN : Hyoein<br/> Play Hours : 14 hours<br/> Total Badges : 16<br/> Reason : Mau cari mantan yang tertunda <E>:Frown:</E> <E>:devil:</E></r>
Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Dusknoir & Delphox ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r>open auction for delphox <E>:devil:</E></r>
UP open auction for dusknoirv :devil:
you got bo sir :Shy:
:devil: :Angel:
you got bo sir :Shy:
Hello, :devil: Welcome to my shop "Hyoein Pokeshop" I will selling a good and epic Pokemon here~ I accept : Poke-dollar, MS ( Medalion : 130k / only 1 per pokemon ), or CC to my account not item ( 100c : 250k ) important note: 1. Do not ask for price/ when, just make an offer. 2. I'll start the auction if i meet a good offer. 3. I reserve the right to reject your offer and withdraw my Pokes here. 4. Having a BO does not mean "i will sell it for that price", i count for 12-24hr when i have good offer. 5. "Fake BO" Will Be "REPORT" 6. Sometimes I Make "Instant Price" Waiging for next Auction : - Other B.O { looking for more } Waiting good offer to open auction :Angel: By : Yukito115 Charizard ( HA ) 150k By : yulinh16 Glaceon 200k By : liketoad Crobat 100k By : TerrorGr Hariyama 120k ~EV TRAINED + LV 100~ 1. Scolipede 2. Sliggo ( ha ) 3. Tauros 4. Weavile 5. Durant 6. Absol 7. Liepard 8. Honchkrow 9. Drapion 10. Greninja 11. Hitmonchan 12. Floatzel 13. Pinsir 14. Heracross 15. Crobat ~POKEMON YOU MAY INTEREST~ 1. Gallade 2. Mamoswine 3. Scizor 4. Hariyama 5. Charizard 6. Glaceon 7. Snorlax 8. Kabutops Offer in this forum or you can chat my IGN: Hyoein. Happy shopping!! :thanks: !! ~THANKS YOU FOR VISITING WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN SOON~ <i></i>
D`es Poke`Shop!! Only Pokemon in Here~
Hyoein replied to Destheraide's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
Hi bro can i offer hitmonchan? 150k if you can :Ambivalent: