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Tokime's Achievements



  1. The ability Adaptability spelled 'AdaptAbility', atleast on Eevee.
  2. Nickname Revolution!!
  3. Can MS be bought like the coins?
  4. Re: PurpleDrank - Server First Guild <t>Would sub if i had an account Arroar :P. Gl with the guild!</t>
  5. Rt 5 Raree poke posibly pineco. Can anyone confirm?
  6. Hasty Gengar :( Why did i EV train you? D:
  7. Mega-Charizard Y FTW!!
  8. NIce! Should help a lot of people Purple :D
  9. Ello fren :). Be seeing ya.
  10. Those godly 31s lol. Good luck Isaac!
  11. With no breeding lvl100 may be ok for end game battling. We'll see when we get there right? With 650+ pokemon planned for release it might get bad latter on but I'm sure something will be done if that happens :)
  12. Maybe his birds left him there :P
  13. Yes. All i want is a choice for the players. Also I don't want to hate my accidental lvl 51 poke :D
  14. Be nice if the level of poke during competitive matches were the same. Eg: all poke >lvl 50 be brought down to 50. For ranked battles maybe? It would make experimenting with teams a lot easier.
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