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About Precise

  • Birthday 10/12/1994

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  1. I don't think it need to be change, but a change can't be bad either. When people want to chase a PKM in Safari (Bulbasaur for example), they will have to choose between 20min or few hours. Actually, people pay 5k by 5k and back Pokecenter to see the Pokemon, and when they find a good Bulbasaur they stop chasing. With a few hours pass, people can't go back to Pokecenter, so don't see what they caught, they will lose time to continue the chase when they already have a good Bulbasaur, so it's a cost too because time is money. And, they take the risk to have to quit Safari for different reason (disconnect from your internet, from the server, have to go because of irl,..). So, it stays Money sink, but you can have a choose: taking the risk or not. For me, a pass for few hours could be nice too, normal player could use it easy (having a bot change nothing). But a weekly pass for Safari is not a good idea, for me, it would advantage only bots. Some people can farm 8 hours per days, so it's normal if they have advantage on it, but it's a limited number of players. By the way, the weekly transit pass is not the same pass that Safari pass : - Bots can't take directly an advantage on it. - It helps a lot the trade ! PRO is based on trade between players. This pass help a lot the small trade and news players. I see it on practice, before this pass for a trade at 10-20k i didn't move from a region to an other, now i do. It's why a weekly pass for Safari is not the same than a weekly transit pass. And it's why i think just a few hours pass could be the best for Safari :Grin: (If this Pass cost less than the actual Pass, what is the point to pay a higher price for same time?) I dont agree with you my friend. even bots take advantage, what about regular players . I love to hunt the safari pokemon but 20 min time limit is very low to catch desire poke
  2. thx for all of your support and iam happy that staff is responding too. Iam happy with 2hr option too ^^.
  3. Just like transit pass,there should be safari entrance pass so that we can hunt as much time as we can. it is harder to catch safari pokes in limited time. i hope staff may understand the situation we pay and we hunt a lot of time but results are zero please check this suggestion please atleast one day pass is better
  4. hii guys my name is sandeep(ign:PRECISE) and i want to join your guild. it is because i want to fun in group chatting
  5. ign name: PRECISE i love to play with friends. Thats why i want to join your guild my favarite poke is lucario i got 16 badges,jhoto and kanto completed iam fan of pokemon and i love to play pokemon games i hope i will get a fantastic time in this guild once joined
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