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About Romanticz

  • Birthday 08/02/1991

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  1. yea i dont belive it too thats why i made this post here, and i aint any Video recording system
  2. i was using mach Punch with my conkeldurr , ist a prio move i guess , but why can a garchomp with 1x sd (No SPD boost) atk with earthquake faster? and making me loose 30 Rating?
  3. Hello Is it normal to get every time if u start pvp , to get matched with 200-300 Ratings?? or is it just a free giveaway , of coins from this Company who create this matchmaking? cause Players with low Rating have no Chance???? how do u see it??
  4. Just bought coins on my secound account, but dont recive em after waiting over a hour
  5. Re: few decent ones <t>2,6m tangrowth</t>
  6. Since a staff told me "Baton Pass" is working i tried it many times in pvp , also i told him it doesnt , but seems he ignored me , well ive no idea how to upload a Video thats why i created a YouTube acc and uploaded it there , btw i was fighting against some1 who had no Problems to use it in pvp ranked here the Video link:
  7. so they deleted it from pvp?
  8. Hello, I cant use baton pass, in pvp is that normal? if i use it , my pokemons are swaping but not with the stats i boosted up , i tried it on a wild pkm , it works but why not in pvp mode? rules belong 1x baton pass usable during battle, so it may be work or not? Id enjoy if someone know , what the matter is Greetingz~ Romanticz
  9. Thank you alot! this was the missing Point!
  10. I talked to the guard already ... He told me Battle Lance you can find him on Dragons den B1F but still nothing happens o.O
  11. Hello, I was caughting 240 pokemons, recived the Dragon medallion, talked to the guard , got 6 lv 100 pokemons with me..... but Lance wont battle me , i asked in diffrent channels for help, few Player told me this could be a bug or something , if u want to battle him he just tell : "You dont know why Iam even here" "Please Come back if you do" So what Can I do? I restarded the Client , but nothing happens ... im happy for every answer i can get Greetings~ Romanticz
  12. Hey Guys :) A gf of me has a problem with delivery the paket , which u get from the "president" so far im remember , to delivery this parcel to his son Steven (Warning Spoiler:) the hoen Champion , if she want give it to him he just response with "Come back later" I cant remember to bring his this item on a special time or its even just a bug? Because she cant deafeat the gym leader , the guard who disappears after the delivering will her not make able to pass the door Im sorry for my grammar but I hope i pointed the situation clearly greetings~ Romanticz
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