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Everything posted by Jannythegreat

  1. What is your Discord tag? @JayJay#1495 How often do you use Discord? Daily If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Naah, nothing.. i like it !
  2. Re: Xmas Ralts <t>2.1m.</t>
  3. Re: Xmas Ralts <t>1.5m.</t>
  4. Thanks <3 and same to you I just don't want them giving false information bout me.
  5. This thread is all about cleaning and fixing my reputation against haters from blue server specially those who didn't know me and will be known someday that I'm a "scammer" or "fake" or something cuz haters or some ppl didn't believed in me and believe from ppl who also didn't know me or a newbie together specifically. But they don't have prove against me thou so they can't prove their report and against me but I do have pictures to prove myself. Starring *Darthguindillit* and *nightumbreon7* (our special guests) cuz they started it all so they could be famous than mods. All I want to say are: P I C T U R E S Please look carefully at the pictures and not all just a pm but some are at the chat box that is mixed with pms :Angel: Thanks for those who believes in me and thanks for reading this and for your effort reading it mostly and merry Christmas and a happy new year to you! :Angel:
  6. Nice shiny aipom :)
  7. Re: Shiny Treecko <t>Start 4m</t>
  8. Re: Minccino (first in server) <r><QUOTE author="Zwettl" post_id="476533" time="1512532288" user_id="956932"><s> </e></QUOTE> time ends in?</r>
  9. I'll send one someday :Frown: These cool shinys especially fletchinder :Heart-eyes:
  10. NORMAL NPC NPC Name:Janny the elf Dialogue: I wrote to santa and requested for shiny zorua. Special Request (If any): elf suit and ears with s zorua beside him BATTLE NPC NPC Name: Janny the red nose reindeer Starting Dialogue: Hey kid, I have something for you, Santa dropped something powerful from his sack that makes a normal Pokémon into shiny. Losing Dialogue: Wow, u beat my friends, here take this... *Gives shiny stone* On Cooldown Dialogue: sorry kid we must deliver the presents comeback after we gave it all. Team: 5x xmas stantler Special Request (If any): Reindeer that is in a sleigh with other stantler with a big sack on it.
  11. Re: Shiny Turtwig <t>INSTA?</t>
  12. Hey when will you get online? I'm guessing my pokes are done :) But if not it's ok I'll take it but I'll pay don't worry :)
  13. Re: Shiny Mawile <r>Insta pm me ingame<br/> Edited: nvm I changed my mind <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  14. Re: Shiny Mawile <t>start</t>
  15. 2.2m waiting...
  16. Re: Shiny Purrloin <r>6.3m <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  17. Yes sure why not
  18. Shiny crawdaunt 4d left c.o 300k by joyner24 Excadrille 2d left c.o 1m by prabin
  19. Kk np I just want to see these shiny you talking about And also since u said u don't want to trade except ccs
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