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About Nemaides

  • Birthday 12/05/1993

Nemaides's Achievements



  1. I was taking my Chimchar when I inadvertently made missclick and I uploaded it to 99 without evolving it, could they lower a level? Ty ID 8631225
  2. Re: WTS GOOD PVP POKES...( WILL ADD SOMEMORE) <t>700K gyarados</t>
  3. Re: Epic medicham/Scizor <t>S.o. Scizor</t>
  4. Re: WTS GOOD AEGISLASH! <t>how long it will end?</t>
  5. By mistake I deleted my Gengar ID 8380559 Namer acc: Nemaides Ty
  6. Re: WTS GOOD AEGISLASH! <t>700 then</t>
  7. Re: WTS GOOD AEGISLASH! <t>450k here</t>
  8. INSTA: 4m START.: 2m 48h :Smile: :Smile:
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