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About Its3sha

  • Birthday 04/20/1998

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  1. Re: Shiny Floatzel <t>Hi I'll start it in 500k since no one is interested in starting at 4m and you posted it last month I'll start it :)</t>
  2. Quiet relaxed impish tyra, and chandelure and Ada skarmory and Impish arcanine price? can i get discount if I buy these?
  3. wow nice it took several days ( literally ) before u sell it you bought that with less than 400k or to be specific, 300 or 350k iirc :O
  4. Hi nice shiny. And also I'm saying that, readily doesn't worth that much I saw 2 readily sells in 5m or less I don't think it's a fair trade for you :) you better decline it or regret but it's up to you if u want to consider his/her readily in 8m :) But I'm telling u if your going to sell it in the same time you'll regret it maybe you couldnt even sell it in 8m and your lucky if you sell it in 5m but probably less... Your bunny worth more than crady :) Cuz there are 2-3 or more crady and bunny maybe first You could get Shiny fossils in reviving by 1/4000 but in normal grass is 1/8192 :)
  5. Nice it will do a great stuff in my team, Sorry boyzz I'll insta it Pm me in-game :y:
  6. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat I didn't make in time but it's....... Nvm I hate this timeline, anyway I offered 2m don't u want 2m rather than 1.83m? I'll offer 2.5m if u still insist He would sell it overpriced anyway And I wouldn't
  7. Nice suggestion :Shocked: Idk how it works but I see some says +1 so I'll say it too Btw, I also buy coins in 350k luckily some sells one, and I'm also wondering why would I sell my 5$ in 350-400k it's not a fair price, so I guess it's time to be a fair price
  8. I think this should be in personal shop, anyway nice pokes gl selling :Smile:
  9. 600k :y:
  10. Ok I will start a bo with your 4m offer, are u agree ? Insta is 5m, 3 day left from today. Sure wynaut, np.
  11. Nice! Pm me in game could it be 4m?
  12. I'll buy 2.5m
  13. I could buy it, tell me when u lower the price :)
  14. Wuuuuuuuut i think it's under the table but nice game anyway :Bored: :Bored:
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