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Everything posted by Mistral

  2. nice treath , bump :kiss: bump !!! :kiss: carrrr!!! :Heart-eyes:
  3. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 850k - INSTA SET: 1.25M <t>1m</t>
  4. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 850k - INSTA SET: 1.25M <r>if I win ? and how long ? I think that is long enough <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  5. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 800k - NO LOWBALLERS PLEASE <t>850k</t>
  6. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 700k - NO LOWBALLERS PLEASE <t>750k</t>
  7. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 600k - NO LOWBALLERS PLEASE <r><QUOTE author="Omardaley1"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ive pmd u<e> </e></QUOTE> who B/O?</r>
  8. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 550k - NO LOWBALLERS PLEASE <t>600k</t>
  9. Re: [iNDO Guild] CHRONOS <r><QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="osiris"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Mistral"><s> </e></QUOTE> hy kuda<e> </e></QUOTE> lope lope you all my coeeeg <E>:Heart-eyes:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> ngomong jorok lw</r>
  10. Re: [iNDO Guild] CHRONOS <r><QUOTE author="osiris"><s> </e></QUOTE> hy kuda</r>
  11. bump :Grin:
  12. bumop
  13. bump :Grin:
  14. bump bump :Shy:
  15. I have experienced the same hall . if stuck at the time of ceck verison . might be a little help with your connection or turn off ( e.explorer - offline ) and the time of entry into the launcher (input Username) can be online right back option on iexplorer . you can also turn off your connection and start Pro . but at the time no additional update on the map may not work on additional :Angel:
  16. bump :Grin:
  17. bump :Smile:
  18. bump :Angel:
  19. Re: [Grand Opening] Chronos' PokeHouse <r>bump <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  20. Re: Chronos Guild (We're indONEsia) <r>bump bump car <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  21. Re: [Ongoing Auction GOD MOXIE GYARADOS 31x4, SPECIAL CHANCE TO BUY EPIC PVP !!!] VNS2 HUNTER © <r><QUOTE author="DadLife"><s> </e></QUOTE> ty bro. btw Yinggg offline hmm</r>
  22. Re: [bIGGEST UPDATE EVER !!! Epic for PVP !!!] VNS2 HUNTER © <r><QUOTE author="DadLife"><s> </e></QUOTE> c.o 175k by leolawliet sir ^^<e> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="trungkoolls"><s> </e></QUOTE> co 190k by trungkoolls sir ^^<e> </e></QUOTE> 2ms + 100k. if acept ms</r>
  23. Re: [big Update tomorrow !!!] VNS2 HUNTER © <t>gallade 150k..<br/> are u accept ms?</t>
  24. bump
  25. Re: Ingame BOSS [Christmas Guardian ELF and Koichi Dojo !!!!] <r>thx for share <E>:Smile:</E></r>
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