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  1. Sell Mimikyu semi epic Ivs, start 600k insta :1m offer time : 12h
  2. Hi My problem has already been helped by Noxious anyway thanks so much
  3. after completing the gengarite hard mode quest, I still don't get the lost things back! I lost more than 300 rare candy after leaving the Dark realm, and now I don't know how to get them back, and why am I lost? Was this a bug on this year's quest? - Any staff here ?? Help me plsss - Answers help me how I can get them back ??? Hope u reply me
  4. The same me,i lose all of my rarecandy after leave Dark realm any staff here,helpppp
  5. Why do I have to do a quest to get the item back? While I have been collecting them from before
  6. Quest Heatran had to do a long time ago? And I haven't finished the Hard mode gengarite quest
  7. I have done quest n got Gengarite ? Why still can't see the candy in the bag
  8. Before I went back to the Dark realm yesterday to do the quest to defeat the mega gengar, I still have over 300 rare candy in my pocket, but until today, when I need the Rare candy to evol the pokemon, I discovered I have lost all the candies you have ??? Please help me, plss. . . Any Staff here?? Pls help me.. Ingame : Doanngoclam
  9. 9:09pm today is end time cooldomn Horor for me, ill defeat him 1 more time,n hop i can find Arlcu boss n Darkrai to return Dark realm to do continue quest
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