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Everything posted by Rharomy

  1. Very nice shop bro ! :) I'll take your shiny marill, shiny azumarill and shiny farfetch. Save them for me and give me your price. Let's talk ingame
  2. I only see one unfair thing in this auction : last second bidding. Unfair for previous bidders but sadly tolerated. Think about a rule against this kind of practice if you want to see fair auctions all the time.
  3. Look at the post before, the trade is already done. And anyway, he has the right to cancel the auction "if he's not happy" as he wrote it on auction rules so it means that he can clearly cancel the PurpleMauth bid and sell it regularly to Darvader at the price he wants. Just close this topic, it's sold (and it's really boring to read that).
  4. No problem, they are available. Tell me which one you want.
  5. Rharomy's Gen1&2 Shiny Collection Let me introduce you my shiny collection. [spoiler=Some details] Collection started on June 2017. Server : Silver (Blue server before the merge). Gen1 and Gen2 are for me the 2 best pokemon generations. The Gen1 has 5 uncatchable shiny lengendaries which explain the use of 146 instead of 151. The Gen2 has 6 uncatchable shiny legendaries which explain the use of 94 instead of 100. I've added icons of uncatchable legendaries on screenshots to make it more understandable. I didn't evolve yet marill/houndoom but will be done soon. All pokemon with attached items on pictures are OT. I've counted Unown as 1 but I still collect all the different forms of Unown. In addition of that, I try to get the most low level possible poke for the collect. It's much more difficult to get a fresh caught than a lvl100. If you wanna help me to get the last ones that are missing, look at this topic : here. [spoiler=Old PC forms] 1st Generation : 135 / 146 2nd Generation : 78 / 94
  6. Sorry to tell you that but this snorlax worth almost nothing... Bad nature ->you need a nature which boost def or spdef (or even atk) and lower spatk or speed. Ability -> you need thick fat. IVs : Minimum 20+ in atk/def/sdef/hp. This one worth 5k if untrained. Maybe 50k full trained
  7. Halloween pikachu worth almost nothing. Your pikachu has bad speed IVs so i'd say it worth around 50k.
  8. vulpix (not ha) -> 100k when full trained and evolved. kabuto 1 (swift swim, good IVs, decent nature) -> ~150-200k. kabuto 2 (not swift swim) -> 5k. S hoppip (very common shiny) -> ~30-50k.
  9. Nice nature and high tier shiny poke. Lot of collectors want it. It worth around 8-10m If you decide to sell it, better make an auction on forum instead of selling on trade chat to avoid resellers.
  10. I'm not a specialist on regular pvp poke but bellossom is a very low tiers and those IV are just decent. So i'd say around 150k
  11. Very common shiny obtanable in boss reward but this one is ha with decent iv/nature so i'd say around 700-900k
  12. Teddi, golduck, tenta and venu sold to Kellsbelles. Shop updated
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