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Posts posted by Hypnoticwolf

  1. Re: Origin guild (blue server) recruiting active players!


    <t>Hello I would love to join your guild! I have gotten 100+ hours into the game now and just have sinnoh to beat before I move on to other things like mini bosses and such. Anyone I would love some people to talk to while playing XD<br/>


    Ign: HypnoticWolf<br/>

    Hours of played?: 124 hours<br/>

    Favorite pokemon and why? :D That is so so so hard. Ummm... probably Mew. I grew up playing pokemon and Mew was the first legendary I really wanted or liked and even have that silly old Ancient Mew pokemon card thing from the movie event back in the day. I still love Mew and will be using him a lot once I get the hours to go catch him!<br/>

    Are you able to visit our discord server? Yes I should be able to use discord quite a bit, even if just from my phone since I always have it on me<br/>

    Why should we accept you to our guild? I am active like almost every day I am playing, I save plenty of decent pokes to trade if anyone needs something, I have no issues helping people out and don't mind sharing.</t>

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