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Everything posted by Necra25

  1. Summer White Red Clothes and Whiscash Hat
  2. Hi, dont know if its under the right section to report, but there is a bug on a headbutt tree in love island. It happened me twice, and its getting annoying, as one has to relog and there is a queue +900 to get back in. Plus i dont really know why the headbutt trees has been nerfed... all that work in love island to leave only 4, and even take away some spawns on them. Here is a screenshot to help
  3. Thank you for the date. Mawile appears only in day time, and Timburr Morning/Day. I updated the guide
  4. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest (BUG FIXED) <r>Here are the screenshots missing :)<br/> <br/> Deep Clay <br/> <IMG src="https://s31.postimg.org/iq7xdb0y3/Captura_de_pantalla_14.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Deepblue Shell<br/> <IMG src="https://s31.postimg.org/50jtnjwcb/Captura_de_pantalla_15.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  5. You are more than welcome :) Thanks for the info, it changed again, for Riolu now. Will update the ferroseed info in Valley of Steel I believe those can only be obtained as fossils. I got Tyrunt fossil as a reward from Boss Gingery
  6. Thank you for the info. I updated the guide :)
  7. Thank you for the info. Updated the guide :)
  8. Thank you for the info, i will update the guide ;).
  9. Thanks for the info. Gible, Riolu and Beldum are now updated :)
  10. Thank you very much Chappy. That solved my problem :)
  11. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks
  12. Hi, i think i have a problem in Terra Cave... the guard let me in... but there is no npc there to get Groudon Dex Data. Moments before i was fighting Team Aqua boss and server crashed... i talked to him again and gave me the Kyogre dex info and disappeared, but with Groudon i cant do anything. Here is a screenshot if helps.
  13. Thank You for this info, added to the guide now :)
  14. Thank you for all this info, i will add it to the guide. But the Leev town and further maps are exclusive for ms only after beaten the E4 of Hoenn.
  15. Thank you for the screenshots. I will update the guide with the dex info :Grin:
  16. Hi all. First guide here... trying to help a little with the spawns in Hoenn for those that still have some missing in the dex. I will try to follow the Route numbers and cities for better understanding. There are a few, mostly only with membership pokemon, that i dont have the dex data yet, feel free to leave a comment and i will update the guide. Ctrl + F to search for something specific Poke Time Morning = 04:00 Day = 10:00 Night = 20:00 Pink: Pokemon only with Membership in that location.
  17. Re: Ingame BOSS [uPDATED GINGERY JONES QUEST and XHAJ LOCATION !!] <t>LT Surge gave me a Pikachu holding a Light Ball</t>
  18. Click in options: enable/disable fullscreen and click apply. That does the trick. And you can get back as the setting original was. This is what works for me. Hope it helps
  19. Re: WIP: Christmas Pokemon Images (Pokemon-following pictures added!) <r><IMG src="https://i68.tinypic.com/2s7te9k.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
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