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  1. Have you tried alt+tab to switch off and back onto the game? Also try clicking a few times quickly in the chat area, mine got stuck typing before and that solved it for me You can also check your keybindings in the settings just to make sure they've not somehow been cleared some one told me about alt+tab , i did it before and i did it again and still nothing i checked kebindings hundreds of time , its fine and only the mouse working and i can use all keyboad in the chat but not in the game.
  2. i use PRO64 application in pc and i only play pokemon 64bits , i never opened in android or anything else. i donwload the new verion and it work normaly in first day .. today i openned the game and i found everything blocked i can't do any click with keyboard inside the game only the chat and if pm i did the "send" with mouse too i did escape robe it work but still same problem i disabled pare feu and disabled the antivirus "comodo" in my pc still same problem . i reload it many time , i run off the game and reload , i even uninstaled the game and instaled again and still same problem i uninstaled the old verision after this too , and i try to run as administrator too like "Noisia" said to me but still same problem after uninstaling the whole game and i download it again , the problem is fixed but it returned again and there is no sign , that it will fix again i did all updates in windows 7 and the problem remain now u can imagine 3 days without PRO . plz help, for more information i will be here to answer
  3. after uninstaling the whole game and i download it again , the problem is fixed thanx :thanks: for kill3err and noisia and alaolamo for trying to help in private msg , u can lock this subject. :Angel:
  4. i use PRO64 application in pc and i only play pokemon 64bits , i never opened in android or anything else. i donwload the new verion and it work normaly in first day .. today i openned the game and i found everything blocked i can't do any click with keyboard inside the game only the chat and if pm i did the "send" with mouse too i did escape robe it work but still same problem i disabled pare feu and disabled the antivirus "comodo" in my pc still same problem . i reload it many time , i run off the game and reload , i even uninstaled the game and instaled again and still same problem i uninstaled the old verision after this too , and i try to run as administrator too like "Noisia" said to me but still same problem plz help, i will be on if u need more information and i think i said all ..
  5. its a Revive comfirmed :Grin:
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