Hey everyone.
I had been looking for a way for my girlfriend and I to play pokemon together when I stumbled across PRO.
We've been playing together on yellow server a couple hours a night the past few nights, and we're really enjoying it.
A little about me:
I'm from Texas.
I really like collecting/playing board games. One of my favorites of my collection is Pokemon Master Trainer, the Kanto version.
My favorite pokemon game growing up was probably yellow, but I really like going back and playing fire red with an emulator.
I make my living as a software researcher and I really enjoy programming in my free time, so I was hoping I might be able to help contribute to PRO. I've seen discussion about scripters, mappers, etc., but I've only ever seen one developer mentioned. Is this something that's possible? I like what I've seen of PRO and I'd like to see it continue improving(mostly so I can keep playing it).