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About Bethunebryant

  • Birthday 03/31/1989

Personal Information

  • Career
    Ph.D. in Computer Science
  • Occupation
    Ph.D. in Computer Science

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  1. I'm getting a 404 error trying to download the Android client.
  2. Thanks! Thanks!
  3. Thanks! X2 :)
  4. Thanks! Thanks! It's still going great!
  5. Thanks! Thanks! We've been having alot of fun so far!
  6. Yeah, it makes sense to not give XP for pokemon you already beat once. However, it doesn't seem to give you any XP for any pokemon during a rechallenge, even pokemon you hadn't previously beaten.
  7. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Cool. I'm from out in Lubbock. Only an 8 hour drive from Houston, lol! Texas is huge...
  8. Hey everyone. I had been looking for a way for my girlfriend and I to play pokemon together when I stumbled across PRO. We've been playing together on yellow server a couple hours a night the past few nights, and we're really enjoying it. A little about me: I'm from Texas. I really like collecting/playing board games. One of my favorites of my collection is Pokemon Master Trainer, the Kanto version. My favorite pokemon game growing up was probably yellow, but I really like going back and playing fire red with an emulator. Also... I make my living as a software researcher and I really enjoy programming in my free time, so I was hoping I might be able to help contribute to PRO. I've seen discussion about scripters, mappers, etc., but I've only ever seen one developer mentioned. Is this something that's possible? I like what I've seen of PRO and I'd like to see it continue improving(mostly so I can keep playing it).
  9. Yeah, that's basically what I'm doing now. I was pleasantly surprised at how informative the pokedex is and was even more surprised when I couldn't find anything about evolving in it. It just seems like that would be a really nice feature to be in the pokedex. Thanks for your replies!
  10. Thanks for replying to me so quickly! It looks like those stars show me which pokemon I've evolved, but the pokedex doesn't seem to show the following information: What method is used to evolve a pokemon(what level, stone, daytime/nighttime/happiness/trading). Which pokemon evolve into which pokemon. Is there anywhere to see that kind of information in the game? Thanks!
  11. When I first challenged Brock, I beat his Geodude and got alot of experience. Then his Onix made me black out. I re-challenged him, and I didn't get any experience for defeating Geodude again, but that made sense. Since I had already beaten it once, maybe I wasn't supposed to get any. But then when I beat Onix, I didn't get any experience either. My girlfriend was sitting next to me, and she beat Onix on her first try and got alot of experience for beating him. Is this a known bug? Thanks!
  12. I'm a new player and I noticed that the pokedex is packed with a lot of useful information. Basically everything I'd need, except evolution information. Am I missing it somewhere, or is there any plan to add something like that in? Thanks!
  13. Cool. Thanks! I just started playing, so I haven't seen any of those yet.
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