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  1. Re: 1600 really? <r><QUOTE author="Singham"><s> </e></QUOTE> +1</r>
  2. Re: 1600 really? <r><QUOTE author="Quakkz"><s> </e></QUOTE> if its worth to you losing your account permanently because of botting...<br/> <br/> servercap is increased according to how much it can handle, if there are more people than the server can currently handle we cant help it.<e> </e></QUOTE> ur reply mr game master is 0, like u said nothin<br/> i didnt say i will bot,or i should bot, i said that the game promote bots..<br/> and ofc i didnt say nothing for u to do, only i hope, no need to: "if there are more people than the server can currently handle we cant help it" i can see that.<br/> keep work, i really like this game and the forum is to discuss.. i said my opinion and i think is str8</r>
  3. Re: 1600 really? <t>team get ur shit together, this is the best pokemon i ever played and i hope this game will last and be upgraded forever.. BUT last month we got dc like every 10 minutes.. team said to be patient, and we were, with dc like no other online game nowadays.. (except of the every 10 min dcs, one per day server would be down for 1-2 hours, this is like hell for a gamer)<br/> now dcs are over, but u have to keep try to log in like 15-20 min to succeed...<br/> the funny thing is that if u try to play this game at a random time in the day, 99% u will fail(really funny)<br/> there is smthin more funny, there are bots at the game which play all the time, as a result no afk for them to got dc and try to relog<br/> if i, as a real human go to wc i ll get a dc, and i ll have to relog to play( an other 20 min punishment for my human needs like wc or to eat or etc) and bots keep spots to this server forever(u can built a bot that relogs when necessary)... this game promote bots cause, a human need iron will just to get in the server..<br/> i hope the capacity of this server get a realistic number like 2-2,5 k cause even if u add 100 or 200 spots will be capped no time.</t>
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