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  1. Greetings, Time is over, the winner of the auction is @Lephantis. Please dm me in order to make the trade. Furthermore i thank all the partecipants for bidding.
  2. C.O 150k from Lephantis About 28hrs left
  3. Acution starts, C.O 50k from Mahnmee 48h left
  4. Start Offer 30k Min bid 20k Auction ends 48h after the first bid No insta
  5. Trade was done, topic can be closed. Thanks!
  6. Greetings , @Jimmm2 won the auction. Please dm me in order to make the trade
  7. Start Offer 20k Min bid 10k Auction ends 48h after the first bid No insta
  8. Trade was done. Topic can be closed. Furthermore i thank all the partecipants
  9. Greetings, Time is over. The winner of the auction is @Mamaboy. Please dm in order to estabilish the day and hour of the trade.
  10. c.o 100k from Vuxuan0123 48h left
  11. c.o 80k from Jimmm2 48h left
  12. c.o 70k from Krubsiu 48h left
  13. Auctions tarted by Mikulova 50k c.o 48h left
  14. Start Offer 20k Min bid 10k Auction ends 48h after the first bid No insta
  15. Trade was done, topic can be closed. Thanks!
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