We will be selling good - epic Pokemon here..
+Important note:
1- Do not ask for price/when auction ends, just send the reasonable offer.
2- Owner will start the auction if owner receives a good offer.
3- Owner reserve the right to create and change his own price for his Pokemon.
4- Owner reserve the right to reject your offer and withdraw his Pokes here even if there is an acceptable bid.
5- Membership Medallion (MS) will be valued as 500,000 poke-dollars. 100 coins will be valued at 500,000 poke-dollars.
6- Contact Owner in Game for further Info on the Pokemon.
7- If Pokemon do not have prices beside them make an offer as a reply.
8- Owners can choose to have a expiration date on auctions but do not need to have one. If they do not have one, auctions will end if any of the following criteria is met. 1) Auction reaches an amount the owner is comfortable accepting without further bids. 2) No one has bid in a few days and the best offer is accepted by the owner. Owners have the right to determine when to end an auction but if no bid has happened in awhile I will force them to end the auction with either taking the Pokemon down or selling it to the highest bidder.
+Seller's ingame name
1) Quanle92
2) Profat
3) Frrf
4) Gunners
5) Thevoidtrainer
Full Trained lvl 100
Profat's corner
Frrf's corner
Gunners's corner
TheVoidtrainer's corner