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About Munn

  • Birthday 01/23/1998

Personal Information

  • Career
    Environmental Biologist
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  • Occupation
    Environmental Biologist

Munn's Achievements



  1. 1. Nidorook 2. I'm currently trying to get through the story, but I love hunting for pokemon and making cash. I understand the game mechanics pretty well, like finding certain natures and IVs. I also don't EV training. It gets boring, but someone has to do it. 3. I'm a pretty calm individual. I can take a lot of hints before I lash out ;) 4. Yes. Already a member of the Discord. 5. My favorite pokemon is Slowbro. I love his Gen 2 sprite and I use him in the newer generations. Also, Water and Psychic are my favorite types :) 6. Yes. I play almost everyday for a few hours, and I check the Discord pretty often.
  2. Hello, As I've been progressing through the game I have noticed these clown NPCs labeled "Pokestop". It is my understanding that they give you items after getting to certain points in the game (collecting x number of badges). I was wondering how many badges I have to collect to get the one in Viridian Forest, and when the NPC will reappear. I just got my first badge and would like more information. Thank you Nidorook
  3. Thank y'all so much :)
  4. Hello fellow PRO Members. I am a returning player hoping to get back into PRO and Pokemon in general. I'm glad this MMO has grown into what it is and I hope to be apart of it. Add me if you can. Keep an eye out for ole' Nidorook ;)
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