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  1. Re: Draxicor's Shop <t>I am online at the moment, can we meet at vermilion?</t>
  2. Re: Draxicor's Shop <t>hello :)<br/> <br/> Gloom for 30k and skorupi for 50k?</t>
  3. Re: Prophezzy's Pokeshop <t>100k on nidoking :)</t>
  4. Re: Shays' Dex shop/Sync/Misc and more~ <t>ImmortalOrigins<br/> <br/> I will login now ok? can we meet at goldenrod?</t>
  5. Re: Shays' Dex shop/Sync/Misc and more~ <t>i would like to buy Lickilicky, Blastoise, Mawile and give a 15k offer for baltoy</t>
  6. Re: Osiris's shop <t>50k on blastoise and another 50k on the timid snorlax</t>
  7. Re: Rescue! <t>Greetins great leader Markjje and rescue members :D and also Dyno's Toaster!<br/> <br/> Mark I am really excited with what we can accomplish with this guild and how far we can take it :)<br/> <br/> Basically like Mark wrote, we are the people that work to "Rescue" any person in the need for help! Any question, doubt or tip you need you can always ask any of our members and we will be more then happy to help you :)<br/> We are not the kind of people that will sit on your keyboard and play the game for you but the people that hold your hand until you can do it all on your own and help you enter in the world of PRO should you be a long time pokemon pro or a recent starter to the world of pokemon :)<br/> <br/> Join us if you enjoy helping out people or want to meet fun people that enjoy every fun moment and PRO and can create the most fun and entertaining environment :P<br/> <br/> Together with your help we can make PRO grow and make the help chat a more friendly and helpful zone full of enlightenment for all players! :D<br/> <br/> We also provide daycare and Ev train services (with a fee ofc) if you are still not comfortable with that :P just ask me or Markjje in the game :P<br/> <br/> Rescue Members...TO THE RESCUE!<br/> <br/> Oh...and All Hail Dynroth's Toaster!<br/> Join now and get a free toast and growlithe...all supported by Dynroth's growlithe farm :P<br/> <br/> IMMORTALORIGINS</t>
  8. Hello everyone :) Yesterday while the servers were down, I was in the forums live chat talking with some friends from PRO and I brainstormed some ideas that I would like to share with the staff and community so here it goes: Regarding the box system: - Dont know how hard this could be but I would like the ability to organize pokemons from box to box instead of having to move them to my party and then switch it with one inside the box...allowing people for example to have dedicated boxes for some pokes or have multiple copies of the same poke all together instead of scattered along the different boxes. - Highlight the current box I am browsing...this one I find very easy to do. Just highlight the number of the box i am currently browsing or add an indication somewhere :P Double Battle: - I am aware that there is the idea of adding double battle in the future...my idea is to just sort of make an online mode using it where you could team up with another player or friend and fight 2 other players. For example, Player 1 and his friend, Player 2, would pick 3 of their current 6 pokemons (for easier coding the 3 pokemons could always be the first 3 on the team) and the other 2 opponents would do the same thing. then imagine player 1's opening pokemon faints, he would then have to chose one from his remaining other 2 pokemons. Yes it would be possible for player 1 to lose all its pokes while player 2 could still have his 3 pokemons up (making him fight the rest of the battle 1 vs 2 XD) Weekly event idea: First of I am aware that the game is still beta and that, like Naero said, People are still wetting their feet in the end game content, but my ideia of a weekly event its quite a simple one so here it goes: Everyone or almost everyone knows the lower floor of the dragons den which can only be entered by dragon members...some people thing that what you have to do to access the area (200k and have 240) does not compensate what you can obtain there =/. So my idea is simple, each week 10 pokemons with be able to be caught there, goomy and 9 other random pokes...Example: Week1 Rattata Zubat Quagsire Graveller Tangela Growlithe Taurus Magmar Electrabuzz Goomy Week2 Pidgey Geodude Golbat Machoke Natu Vulpix Milktank Kangaskhan Chansey Goomy I think this idea would bring more people to this area and also some high and fun expectation on what we could find there each week (for more mystery the obtain to see which pokemon could be obtainable here could be removed :P) Legendary Battles: My final idea is regarding legendary pokemons...I am sort of Ok with not being able to capture them but we should be able to battle them all like we did with zapdos, articuno and moltres :) Some people, like me, like to fill all their dex data and since we cant Catch Them All we could at least See Them All :P Thats all I have to share with you guys! :) please comment and give your opinion and/or share some more ideias! Lets make PRO the number 1 unofficial pokemon game! See you guys in the game! IMMORTALORIGINS
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