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  1. Well guys i wanna ask something after i spend 400hours in this game and take a break around a year i was wondering if someone hear any rumors about a fresh start server or a wipe or something that will make me play again this game !!
  2. What is your Discord tag? Solo#2085 How often do you use Discord? Everyday !! If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? One bot for make trades easier !!!
  3. Solo2117


    Hey i wondering guys why there is no pokemon pro game in twich section it has to be with legal terms or just knowone add it yet please let me know !! Thanks for your time !!
  4. What i mean with that title... I mean that there is zero adverts i actually feel lucky cause i find this game so random .... Is that some strategy from the developers so they can protect the game cause all we know nintento is very abusive against funmade pokemon games Another thing i can imagine is there s no promotion of this game cause the luck of the servers. I dont wanna hear like the bad guy here but i would like to know why there is no adverts of this great game...
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