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Everything posted by Onutrem

  1. Thanks for the in game donation! I hope you enjoy your avatar :) Let me know what you think :D Download Thank you for this very fast good work ! I will use it now :D
  2. Wow your work is very nice ! Can you create one avatar for me ? Primary Text: Onutrem Secondary Text: None Main image: Mismagius Color Scheme: black / purple Dimensions: 200x200 Other: My current avatar is cool, but a darkness ambience is missing ^^ Thanks :)
  3. I am researching the days that I read a comment that may be incompatibility of video card with the game, I wonder if you have solution for it .. I somewhat logical since people have to win 10 playing normally and others giving the same issue.. My video card is: Radeon R9 270x series Same issue and Readon R7 200 series. AMD / ATI issue ?
  4. The community is majority french.
  5. I have the same problem, but only in places where there are a lot of players.
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