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About Chupathingiy

  • Birthday 12/01/1988

Personal Information

  • Career
    Ghost Pokemon Trainer
  • Occupation
    Ghost Pokemon Trainer

Chupathingiy's Achievements



  1. Right now its one punch man, the fights, and quality is just amazing. I'm hoping it runs for a long time, the manga, and web comic are good too. The comedy is pretty great as well.
  2. I can't find one, and I really want one before I head to johto. Anyone want to sell one?
  3. Just started Johto so, I can't trade for a bit. So ima put this sale on hold for a while
  4. Welp did I won? :Grin:
  5. So far your Thor highest bid, I'll close the auction in about 2-3 days So how much longer we going to wait this one out? till saterday?
  6. The server is full atm, just keep trying, you can see if it is full or down here, https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/
  7. they are probably already working on that, along with other stuff, I'd imagain something like that will be a thing after they launch hoen and probably deal with some of the interface stuff. >_> I'm sure this isn't something they haven't thought of already at this point.
  8. Normal Theme'd If people like this I might make some more, I wanna make Into a Christmas Tree :Grin:
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